Lockdown Fever
What is Lockdown Fever?
When we are gripped by fearmongering in the media, start binge watching television, and wait around for the sign that it is safe to come outside, we are suffering from Lockdown Fever.
Last spring, we were told, “Two weeks to flatten the curve.” Well, those two weeks turned into months and months of the same advisories and recommendations with no change in results. It was worse in some states than others.
No matter where you live, stop living in fear and start living. There are many things you can do that are healthy, exciting, and most of all, COVID safe. This is something I strongly encourage each of my clients to consider. Start doing things that are fun and engaging again.
I do not want any one to become a statistic in any of these alarming trends that Lockdown Fever is creating in our communities.

In July, data collected from the top 50 countries for COVID cases showed that lockdowns did not result in a reduction of hospitalization or death. However, lockdowns did correlate with an increase in depression, use of drugs and psychiatric medication, smoking, obesity, and economic decline. [1]
Several months later, a study found that “stringency of the measures settled to fight the pandemic, including lockdown, did not appear to be [directly] linked to the death rate.” [2] We continue to find study after study with the same conclusion.
As we have seen for ourselves, staying open does not produce more risks and is significantly beneficial to mood, physical well-being, and the economy. The health of normally healthy people worsens as a result of shutting down entire communities and sections of society.

Suicide Concerns
The stress caused by lack of socialization, unemployment, being forced into at-home learning, disconnection from family and friends, and a host of other factors clearly increases risks for physical and mental concerns.
A federal survey conducted in late June showed that the number of Americans struggling with depression, substance abuse, and thoughts of suicide was 40%. [3] This does not even account for the sharp increase as the pandemic has dragged on in the months since.
A study conducted in the suburbs of Chicago reported a 23% rise in suicide compared to 2019. [4] A frightening statistic from Japan illustrates that it is not only Americans who are suffering; the number of Japanese COVID-19 totals at the start of the pandemic to the month of October 2020 was 2,087. The number of suicides in the month of October alone was 2,153. [5]
It is clear from these numbers that risks of lockdown stretch far beyond merely contracting coronavirus.

What Do We Do Now?
A recent article was just published on February 18th, titled We’ll Have Herd Immunity by April – Covid Cases have dropped 77% in six weeks. Expert should level with the public about the good news. The article suggests that “the consistent and rapid decline in daily cases since Jan. 8 can be explained only by natural immunity.” [6]
By now, we know the behavior of COVID, and we know the dangers. It is safe to travel, it is safe to leave the house, and it is safe to do things. You do not have to delay your life or become a part of these statistics.

Here are some examples of things you can do to fight Lockdown Fever: snowshoeing, birdwatching, enjoying Zoom calls with friends and grandchildren, participate in book clubs, cooking with your life partner, trying a new hobby, practicing friluftsliving*, and so much more.
We believe 2021 is the year we defeat this terrible pandemic and reclaim economic success and prosperity.
Your lives are good. Your lives are great. You cannot buy back the time you have on this earth.
The time to be alive is now, so get out and live!
1. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/eclinm/article/PIIS2589-5370(20)30208-X/fulltext
3.https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6932a1.html 4.https://abc7news.com/japan-suicides-suicide-rates-covid-women/8359064/ 5.https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2020/11/23/covid-pandemic-rise-suicides/ 6.https://www.wsj.com/articles/well-have -herd-immunity-by-april-11613669731
* Norwegian phrase meaning free air living, or to be out in nature