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Asset Allocation

What is Asset Allocation? The idea of investing money is a foggy subject for many. This is because there is little understanding about how investments are chosen in a given account. The series of investments that one chooses for their investment portfolio is called an asset allocation.A portfolio’s asset allocation may consist of one or two positions, or hundreds or …

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Separating The Signal From The Noise

What kind of role can a financial professional play for an investor? The answer: an important one. While the value of such a relationship is hard to quantify, the intangible benefits may be long-lasting. There are certain investors who turn to a financial professional with one goal in mind: the “alpha” objective of beating the market. But even Wall Street’s …

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Retirement Seen Through Your Eyes

How do you picture your Future? Some see retirement as a time to start a new career. Others see it as a time to travel. Still others plan to spend more time with family and friends. With that in mind, here are some things to consider.What do you absolutely need to accomplish? If you could only get four or five …